
2024-05-02 16:49:13 现代言情

The Old Man of the Cock
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling hills and lush meadows, there lived an old man known to all as the Old Man of the Cock. He earned this moniker not only because of his advanced age, but also because of his love for raising roosters.
The Old Man of the Cock had been a poultry farmer for many years, tending to his flock of chickens with care and dedication. But it was his roosters that truly stole the show. Their vibrant plumage and melodious crowing could be heard throughout the village, signaling the start of each new day.
People from far and wide would come to see the Old Man’s magnificent roosters, marveling at their beauty and strength. They would often ask him for tips on raising such impressive birds, to which the Old Man would simply smile and say, “It’s all in the care and love you give them.”
As the years passed, the Old Man’s flock grew smaller, as roosters passed on and new ones took their place. But one rooster in particular, a majestic creature with iridescent feathers and a loud, commanding crow, captured the old man’s heart like no other. He named him Apollo, after the Greek god of the sun.
Apollo was a proud and noble bird, strutting around the coop with confidence and grace. His crow was the loudest and most melodious of them all, echoing across the village and filling people’s hearts with joy. The Old Man of the Cock cherished Apollo above all else, spending hours each day caring for him and admiring his beauty.
But one day, tragedy struck the village. A fierce storm swept through, causing havoc and destruction in its wake. The Old Man’s coop was not spared, and many of his beloved roosters were injured or lost in the chaos. Among them was Apollo, who was nowhere to be found.
Heartbroken and devastated, the Old Man searched high and low for his cherished rooster, refusing to believe that Apollo was gone. Days turned into weeks, and still there was no sign of the majestic bird. The villagers tried to console the Old Man, offering to help him rebuild his coop and find new roosters to care for. But the Old Man remained despondent, his heart heavy with grief.
Then, one morning, as the sun rose over the village, a familiar sound filled the air. It was the unmistakable crow of Apollo, loud and clear, echoing across the meadows. The Old Man of the Cock’s eyes widened in disbelief, tears streaming down his weathered face. And there, perched on a fence post near the coop, was Apollo, unharmed and more magnificent than ever.
The Old Man rushed to embrace his beloved rooster, tears of joy and relief flowing freely. The villagers gathered around, amazed at the miracle that had occurred. From that day on, the Old Man of the Cock and Apollo were inseparable, their bond stronger than ever before.
And so, the legend of the Old Man of the Cock and his faithful rooster Apollo spread far and wide, a story of love, loss, and redemption that touched the hearts of all who heard it. And in the peaceful village nestled between the hills and meadows, the crowing of Apollo could still be heard each morning, a reminder of the enduring bond between man and bird.
