
2024-05-17 11:58:57 日韩动漫

"Mary Sue" is a term often used in the world of fiction to describe a character who is too perfect, too flawless, and too idealized to be believable. These characters tend to possess a combination of extraordinary skills, physical attractiveness, and a lack of real flaws or weaknesses. The term "Mary Sue" originated in fan fiction, but it has since been used to critique characters in all forms of media, including movies.
In the world of film, Mary Sue characters can be particularly grating for audiences. These characters often detract from the story and can feel like pandering or wish fulfillment on the part of the writer or filmmaker. When a character is too perfect, too flawless, and too idealized, it can be difficult for audiences to connect with them or care about their journey.
One famous example of a Mary Sue character in film is Rey from the recent Star Wars sequels. Rey is portrayed as a skilled pilot, a talented mechanic, and a powerful Force-user, despite having no real training or experience in any of these areas. She is also highly attractive, with a flawless complexion and a perfect physique. While Rey has her flaws, such as a fear of abandonment and a stubborn streak, these flaws are often overshadowed by her overwhelming abilities and successes.
Another example of a Mary Sue character in film is Bella Swan from the Twilight series. Bella is portrayed as a plain, clumsy girl who somehow manages to capture the attention of two supernatural beings, a vampire and a werewolf, who both fall in love with her. Despite her lack of conventional attractiveness or skills, Bella is continually put in positions of power and importance throughout the series, often for no apparent reason other than the fact that she is the protagonist.
Mary Sue characters can be particularly frustrating for audiences because they often subvert the traditional hero's journey. In a typical hero's journey, the protagonist must face challenges, make mistakes, and grow as a character in order to achieve their goals. Mary Sue characters, on the other hand, are often handed success and power on a silver platter, making their victories feel unearned and unsatisfying.
In conclusion, Mary Sue characters can be a detriment to films, as they often detract from the story and make it difficult for audiences to connect with the characters or care about their journey. When a character is too perfect, too flawless, and too idealized, it can be hard to root for them or feel invested in their success. Filmmakers would do well to avoid creating Mary Sue characters in their films in order to create more compelling and relatable stories for audiences to enjoy.
