
2024-05-01 21:59:59 都市人生

Windows 8.1 is a widely used operating system developed by Microsoft. It was released as an update to Windows 8, aiming to improve user experience and address some of the criticisms received by its predecessor.
Windows 8.1 includes several new features, such as the return of the Start button, enhanced customization options, and the ability to boot directly to the desktop. It also introduces Bing Smart Search, which provides unified search results from the web, local files, and apps.
With Windows 8.1, users can easily switch between the desktop and the modern UI interface, now called the Start screen. The operating system also offers better support for multi-tasking, improved security, and enhanced performance.
Overall, Windows 8.1 aims to provide a more seamless and intuitive experience for users across various devices, including desktops, laptops, and tablets.
